Our Trainers

Tim Barry, Independent Beachbody CoachName: Tim Barry
Team Beachbody Link: Click here!

Bio: We are here to serve YOU, NOT make you fit into some idea that we have for you.  In the beginning of my own personal journey to getting healthy, I was nervous.  I was 242lbs and really out of shape.  I had sleep apnea because of being overweight and I was just unhappy.

But I was also scared.  I was afraid to fail.  I was afraid to look silly at the gym.  I didn’t know what to eat or how to fuel my body most efficiently.

Well, it took me a year, but I shed 52lbs in those 52 weeks and ended up in the best shape of my life.  That was almost 5 years ago now and I’m healthier now at 44 years old than I was at 34 years old.

Now, I coach/teach other people how to do the same… Read more about my journey here!

Angela NoellName: Angela Noell
Team Beachbody Link: Click here!

National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

Bio: Hello! I’m Angela. I grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota eating red meat and potatoes at every meal. I was a chubby kid, no doubt about it! I was consciously aware of my weight at a young age and developed a poor self image. In middle school we learned about eating disorders and I became fascinated with them. As a result, I became an on-again/off-again bulimic. Food was something that had control over me, yet when I purged I felt as if I had control over it. Bulimia continued all throughout middle school and high school. It carried over into the Navy in order for me to pass weight and body fat standards.

It wasn’t until 4.5 years ago… Read more about my journey here!

Sarah AndersonName: Sarah Anderson
Team Beachbody Link: Click here!

Bio: May 2011 I started my journey. A few weeks prior my mom (Brenda Anderson) said she wanted us both to do Insanity, to which I replied “You’re insane!”

From that point, there were days I wanted to quit, didn’t feel like putting in the effort, but I stuck with it! And by December of 2011 I had lost 65 pounds… Read more about my journey here!


Brenda AndersonName: Brenda Anderson
Team Beachbody Link: Click here!

Bio: My name is Brenda Anderson and my journey began in mid-January of 2011. I predicted reaching my initial weight loss goal of 125# by the end of 2011. This journey has been exciting, tough, rewarding and painful with a multitude of emotions and life events. Through my journey, I initially wanted to prove that in spite of a busy schedule, including a full-time job, multiple commitments outside the home, family crises, spiritual battles and a personal injury requiring 6 weeks of recovery, I was still able to lose 126 pounds by the end of the year by making my workouts a priority.

By the 16th month into my journey, I lost a total of 152# and have been on a new journey ever since, focused on strengthening and toning my body.Read more about my journey here!


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