Just Show Up! Exercise. Nutrition. Wellness. Fitness!

About the owner:
Coach Tim BarryWe are here to serve YOU, NOT make you fit into some idea that we have for you.  In the beginning of my own personal journey to getting healthy, I was nervous.  I was 242lbs and really out of shape.  I had sleep apnea because of being overweight and I was just unhappy.

But I was also scared.  I was afraid to fail.  I was afraid to look silly at the gym.  I didn’t know what to eat or how to fuel my body most efficiently.

Well, it took me a year, but I shed 52lbs in those 52 weeks and ended up in the best shape of my life.  That was almost 5 years ago now and I’m healthier now at 44 years old than I was at 34 years old.

Now, I coach/teach other people how to do the same.

Look, this involves work, persistence and patience.  If you are ready to start out on YOUR personal journey to good health, I promise you one thing: you will NOT regret it.  As a matter of fact, your quality of life will never be the same!

Copyright © Just Show Up Fitness 2015