FOCUS T25 with Shaun T!

FOCUS T25 wtih Shaun T!

Find out more information and how to order here!

The FOCUS T25 workouts give you everything you need, nothing you don’t. 25 minutes. 5 days a week. 100% results. 

The only thing standing between you and the results you want is TIME. That’s why trainer Shaun T experimented for the last year to design a program that delivers the same kind of results you’d expect from an hour-long program, in under 30 minutes.

The result is FOCUS T25—and the name implies the intent: If you focus your intensity for 25 minutes, and you do it 5 days a week, you WILL get results.

Plus, when you order FOCUS T25 through me, you’ll get the exclusive workout Core Speed (a $19.95 value) FREE!

Copyright © Just Show Up Fitness 2015