
Health and FitnessA little history about our company

Face it….everyone wants to look good.  But going to the traditional gym is daunting and even intimidating.  Tons of machines and equipment.  Dumbbells everywhere. If you are just getting, it’s enough to get you to quit!   So we started this fitness concept because we were ALL there….getting in shape is a personal decision and everyone is different.  There are no cookie cutter approaches to box you into.  Our group of exceptional Independent Beachbody Coaches will help you achieve YOUR goals through physical activity and nutritional guidance.

This isn’t a Boot Camp where you’ll have people screaming at you.  We will help you get healthy right in the comfort of your own home.

That is what makes us successful!


Turned 40 on February 4, 2014 and officially divorced on February 18, 2014. I knew I wanted 2014 to be different…the year I finally lose this excess weight but I had no plan and no motivation. Then steps in Tim Barry as a godsend. I joined his virtual accountability group in early January and I was so inspired by his story. I started following his daily suggestions for exercising along with logging my food intake. In just under 3 weeks I lost 6.8 pounds. I am so motivated to exercise now and it’s so much easier for me to make better choices when it comes to food because I feel fully supported in this weight loss process when in the past I have felt so alone and unmotivated. I know this will be the year that I finally reach my goal weight and I have Tim Barry to thank for that!  – Jackie S.

Walk into the gym at the hotel tonight and some guy in the pool says “you look like a guy who is fit and trim” lol- dude you aint seen nothin yet!
Came home from my business trip to Portland and had P90x3 waiting for me!  – Alan N.
Patty Glover I had been overweight and struggled destructive eating habits since high school.  After being inspired by Tim’s story, I reached out to him and asked for help with figuring out what would be the right thing for me.  He was thorough and really cared about what I was saying.

I started with TurboFire and it was tough in the beginning.  But I was encouraged by Tim each day to stay focused and be trust the program.  I’m glad I did because I have lost 38 lbs. and have to buy a new wardrobe now!  – Jennifer R.

I was skeptical about trying some DVD workout program that I saw on some infomercial.  But I took the leap of faith and with Tim’s excellent coaching and inspiration, I finished Les Mills Pump and lost 21 lbs!  I’m ready to ‘take my talents to South Beach now!  – Malik L.

Fresh ProduceA healthy diet is something you should enjoy.

We don’t believe in ‘dieting.’  Every few years, someone comes out with a new best selling book that talks about whatever ‘system’ they are preaching about and every year, millions of people fail trying to following those systems.

Healthy eating is about balance.  It is about making smarter choices.  It is about logging your nutritional intake (we LOVE MyFitnessPal on our smart phones!!!), so you know what you’ve consumed.  It is about planning ahead so you don’t get trapped in the vicious cycle of making a run to the drive-through.

It is also a mindset.  If you have a positive attitude with eating clean, you vastly improve your chances to succeed.

Copyright © Just Show Up Fitness 2015