What to do when I cheat on my diet?

What to do when I cheat on my diet?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Article by Denis Faye, Team Beachbody

Q: I cheated on my diet. How long will it take to show up on the scale?

The Short Answer:
Probably never and even if it does, it’s most likely temporary fluid retention caused by excess salt or sugar intake. In the extremely unlikely event that you binged so massively over the weekend that you actually gained body fat, there’s nothing you can do about it now, so quit being neurotic and Googling articles like this one—instead, get on with the business of reversing the damage.

The Long Answer:
For the most part, the scale is a lousy indicator of any damage caused by a binge. There are about 3,500 calories… Read more at the SOURCE LINK.


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