Confessions of a Former Fat Guy….

Confession: I was overweight at 242lbs on January 1, 2009. I was depressed, felt like crap, looked like crap, had sleep apnea because my jowls and neck fat closed off my airway when I slept which made me exhausted all the time. I ate poorly. My back and knees ached because of the extra (equivalent) of a 6 year old I was carrying around on my back. I was losing hope.

But sometime in February of 2009, I bought P90X while I was hammered after a business dinner-turned bar night with a bunch of clients and sitting in my hotel room watching the P90X infomercial. I had a 500 calorie King Sized Snickers Bar in my hand when I placed the order at about 3am…….You can’t make this stuff up!

That Beachbody box sat in my basement for about 3 weeks before I finally decided to get off my butt and do it. And on March 1, 2009 in my Fit Test, I failed SO miserably that it was embarrassing. I failed to take the ‘BEFORE’ pictures like they told me to….which turned out to be a MASSIVE mistake because……

I pushed play EVERY day, 6 days a week. I had both ups and downs. I was sore and exhausted, but I modified EVERY move. I followed the ‘modifyer’ who showed me how to dial down the intensity, but allowed me to build those muscles up slowly and safely.

The results were stunning: I lost 52lbs in 52 weeks and by March 1, 2010 (my one year anniversary), I was in the BEST shape of my life at the age of 40 (almost 41) years old!

I am now the happiest I have been in decades. I look good, feel good, no longer have apnea, I eat beautifully (and enjoy the heck out of it!!!) and I have REAL hope.

Today, I am a Beachbody Coach. I have a passion for helping people figure out how to achieve what THEY want to achieve with their health.  As a matter of fact, I currently coach over 450 people around the country and it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.  So if you are ready to get in shape, NOW IS THE TIME!  I know it is only 22 degrees out there today, but 90 Days from now, it’s gonna be the end of May and the weather is going to be warm……if you’re gonna get in that bathing suit for the first time in a decade, you better join me in an exercise/nutrition program now!

Don’t be scared….it’s OK if you are out of shape.  I was there…I can show you how to modify everything and get there.  You can’t do a pushup?  No worries, I’ll show you how to modify and get there.  You can’t do a pullup?  No worries, been there, done that….I’ll show you how to modify and get there.

In the end, this is about you.  The entire JustShowUp Fitness team is dedicated to helping you achieve what YOU want to.  All you need is the determination to actually do it.  We will encourage you, motivate you, push you and hold you accountable.  We will remind you of the goal YOU set for yourself and you WILL be successful possibly for the first time in your life!

So join me in the quest to get healthy.

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