Brenda’s here!

Brenda AndersonName: Brenda Anderson
Team Beachbody Link: Click here!

Bio: My name is Brenda Anderson and my journey began in mid-January of 2011. I predicted reaching my initial weight loss goal of 125# by the end of 2011. This journey has been exciting, tough, rewarding and painful with a multitude of emotions and life events. Through my journey, I initially wanted to prove that in spite of a busy schedule, including a full-time job, multiple commitments outside the home, family crises, spiritual battles and a personal injury requiring 6 weeks of recovery, I was still able to lose 126 pounds by the end of the year by making my workouts a priority.

By the 16th month into my journey, I lost a total of 152# and have been on a new journey ever since, focused on strengthening and toning my body. For the first time (since my premature birth), I needed to gain weight, but this time it was a unique experience of gaining healthy weight. I have also been working through multiple issues including eating disorders and have a much clearer understanding and awareness of my past weight struggles. Stress/emotional eating was a major factor in my life. In 2011, I went from one extreme to the other. I had the determination to lose the weight as quickly as possible but post injury, I feared not reaching my goal in time and ended up not eating enough to fuel my body properly I still managed to lose the weight but it was not the healthiest approach. Since then, I have learned so much through my own journey and have a passion to help others who struggle with their weight, emotional/stress eating, motivation, nutritional/fitness balance and determination.

God has allowed me to experience a multitude of different situations which help me to relate to more people that He places in my path. I have chosen to learn from my past mistakes and allow God to use me and my experiences to help those that can relate to some portion of my story. This journey has truly changed my life and I’m eager to help others change theirs!

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