Don’t Be a Thanksgiving Turkey!

Well, it is THAT time of year again….you know, when people over eat and over drink for the next 6 weeks?! It is a time when there are holiday parties almost EVERY week at work, with friends, with family. There is going to be temptation to over-indulge everywhere, therefore I am going to offer some tips on how to avoid regretting your indulgences.

a) Go into the holiday feasts with a plan. Don’t stand at the table and graze over all the foods. Load up on the fresh veggies and a little bit of ranch dip, but then walk away so you don’t just keep digging into the dip! And remember: is is called a DIP, not a SCOOP!

b) Drink a large glass of water about 10 minutes before you start eating. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to tell you your stomach is full, so if you put a 10oz glass of water in you first, you’ll feel satisfied more quickly, saving you tons of calories.

c) Log all the foods that you consume! It is amazing how you can hold yourself in check when you are watching the meter spin on MyFitnessPal.

d) Load up on the turkey which is a lean protein! It takes up space in your stomach and tastes SO good!

e) Relax and have a good time. Enjoy the delicious pie! But don’t let yourself lose control of your calories.

Every year, people let themselves go from Thanksgiving to New Years only to promise themselves they will start to eat right and exercise after January 1.

If you go into this holiday season with a plan to NOT lose total control OR join me on December 9th in new next Fitness/Nutrition Challenge Group, you’ll make it a whole lot easier on yourself to shed those extra pounds that have slowly crept up on you this year.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

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